This is the official web site of Willis E Howard, III (Bill)! You will find a brief biography,
as well as my curriculum vitae. For the adventurous,
there is also a full color picture!
One man's culture
"Look, this simple formula explains
Polly scribbles something on a napkin.
C = W log ( 1 + P / (N W) )
"Oh, yeah," Cy says, poised to move fast again,
"clear as Dylan
lyrics." Paul Di Filippo
Guitarist Richard Thompson is
one of my favorite musicians. Check out Richard's
own site, or -- if you simply must have the latest news -- subscribe
to the list. The Richard Thompson biography Strange Affair by
Patrick Humphries was released in the UK, but renamed in the USA as Richard
Thompson: The Biography. And of course there is Facebook.
This site is proud to exclusively feature the Art
of Gabi Howard. A collection of over 50 paintings, pastels, drawings, dry
points, and monoprints.
I have always enjoyed the novels of Philip K. Dick. Check
out his books! Is Blade Runner one of your favorite movies? It
was based on one of his stories, as were Screamers, Total
Recall, Imposter, and Minority Report. Also check out Barjo, a French film based on his Confessions
of a Crap Artist.
Future trajectories are illuminated by none
other than Robert Anton Wilson
fnord RIP. Author of Illuminatus!
and Schroedinger's Cat, his
latest books The Walls Came
Tumbling Down and Everything
is Under Control are now available. Finally someone who doesn't ask you to
believe what he says! From the Omni
interview, "I don't believe anything I write or say. I regard belief as
a form of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of creativity,
the atrophy of imagination."
Peace on Earth?
I have so much confidence in the good sense of man, and his qualifications for self-government, that I am never afraid of the issue where reason is left free to exert her force; and I will agree to be stoned as a false prophet if all does not end well in this country. Thomas
Imagine no more war. Imagine no more famine. Imagine no more mass murder. All
these things are now within our grasp, to accomplish in our lifetime. Read Power
Kills by R.J.Rummel where
his historic research shows that no democracy has ever been at war with
another, and no democracy has ever had a famine. Read Saving Lives, Enriching Life:
Freedom as a Right And a Moral Good on-line.
The Libertarian Party is the choice if you
want to significantly reduce the size of government, reduce taxes, and reduce
the intrusion of government into your personal life. The Libertarian Party is the
only party dedicated to individual liberty and the blessings that flow from
liberty. Make your voice heard. Give them your support.